Allied health careers continue to rank among the fastest-growing in the healthcare industry. Those who have earned the two-year degree needed to enter an allied health field can boost their chances for promotion and better pay by entering an online completion program and earning a bachelor’s degree.

The emergence of online degree programs has made attaining educational goals easier for allied health professionals. The flexibility of online programs makes it more convenient for working professionals to get the education they need for the job they aspire to hold.

Marian University offers a selection of online degree completion programs for those who work in allied health. They include:

What Is Allied Health?

Healthcare remains the fastest growing area of the U.S. economy. An aging population, one more active than past generations, is a major catalyst for this growth. People are also more aware of the value of preventive medical treatments, leading them to see medical professionals more frequently.

This has led to a boom in healthcare jobs that goes beyond doctors and nurses. Allied health careers make up about 60% of all healthcare jobs. These healthcare professionals use scientific principles and evidence-based practice to diagnose, evaluate, and treat acute and chronic diseases. They also promote disease prevention, lifelong wellness and apply management skills to support healthcare systems.

Healthcare jobs considered part of allied health include dental hygienists, diagnostic medical stenographers, radiation therapists, nuclear medicine technologists, respiratory therapists, and magnetic resonance imaging technologists.

Why Complete Your Degree in Allied Health?

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on national median salaries based on education level makes a clear case for earning a bachelor’s degree. They report that an associate degree commands an average weekly salary of $938. The median salary for a bachelor’s degree is $1,305.

Over the course of a year, that translates into an annual salary of $48,776 for those with an associate’s degree and $67,860 with a bachelor’s degree.

The higher salary potential ranks as one of the best reasons to complete an allied health degree, but it’s not the only one.

Networking. In a bachelor’s degree program, students meet like-minded individuals who have many of the same interests and career goals. They often become professional connections and friends who last a lifetime.

Lifelong learning. A degree completion program shows a commitment to lifelong learning. This dedication allows professionals to continue evolving and growing over the course of a career.

Higher quality of life. Earning a bachelor’s degree leads to a higher quality of life.  One study reported that those with a bachelor’s degree in the U.S. typically outlive those without a degree by slightly more than three years.

Better communication skills. Bachelor’s degree programs often focus more heavily on developing communication skills than with an associate degree program. Graduates with a bachelor’s degree typically do better at presentations and public speaking.

More marketability. Earning a bachelor’s degree makes graduates more attractive job candidates. For those looking to change jobs or careers, a bachelor’s degree can open the door to better opportunities.

The Marian University Allied Health Degree Completion Programs

Marian University makes its degree completion programs in allied health careers as convenient as possible for working professionals. For example, each program offers classes that have six different start dates throughout the year. The school also has a generous transfer policy for students who have completed a two-year program.

The MPath learning system from Marian University offers a seven-week, accelerated time frame for each class. Some programs, such as for respiratory therapists, offer a discount for students.

As the healthcare industry continues to grow rapidly, there’s never been a better time to complete a four-year degree program and prepare for the best jobs in the allied health field. With the ability to earn a degree online, it’s a goal that has become far more attainable for allied health professionals.